Enterprise Development

More on Enterprise Development

Enterprise Development forms an important part of Kulu Group Holdings ‘s empowerment programme, and the group’s objective is to contribute significantly to the transformation of the Civil, Mining, Safety and Logistics industries and to build the necessary skills base of the country. Skills Development is not often sufficient in itself, and so in addition to the various skills development initiatives underway throughout the Group, its strategy embraces enterprise development.

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Enterprise Mentoring

Since February 2005. Kulu Group Holdings has mentored various BEE emerging contractors with strategies tailored to suit the enterprise and desired outcome of the venture.

Local Entrepreneurs Empowerment

Kulu Group Holdings as an established 100% black owned company, is one of the leaders when it comes to empowering local entrepreneurs and SMME’s As any business, Kulu has a limited employment capacity to remain viable as a business. This however did not keep Kulu Group Holdings from reaching out and creating opportunities that will empower local small business people with skills and opportunities that can be used all over the industry. They dedicated themselves to this vision and today various local entrepreneurs are on their feet, thanks to the initiative of Kulu Group Holdings. Some of the Kulu Civils empowered SMME’s are: Musa’s Construction, Nhanhe Trading, Mahambayedwa Civils, Disang Trading & Project, Njengobuhle Trading, Khuyo Civils, Makwande Ubuhle Trading, to name a few. These construction companies deliver ad-hoc construction within Kulu Civils Group sites. These companies have created more than 1250 jobs since they have been developed and trained by Kulu Group Holdings.

Kulu Group Holdings Transformation Policy

Kulu Group Holdings transformation policy insists that meaningful support be provided to BEE companies in various areas of the supply chain such as subcontractors, suppliers and services providers.


Emphasizing its staff, comprising more than 500 permanent employees, as its “most valuable asset, “Kulu Group Holdings Chairman Musa Mazubane, states that, “we run the company holistically, therefore, there is no wastage of resources. I think we have the best employees.”

Group Chief Executive, Gugu Hlongwane says as a result of Musa Mazubane’s philosophy, which emphasises discipline, Kulu Group Holdings employees take pride in their work and look after the company’s assets. “In this business, there is opportunity for wastage, steeling and the abuse of equipment.”
Further, Kulu Group Holdings also believes in investing in the improvement of the livelihoods of the people surrounding its projects.

“We are a big company, but we do not operate in isolation. Almost 80% of the people – the core labourers involved in our projects – come from the communities surrounding our projects. We train them to effectively operate our equipment and how to do the work that is required.”

In terms of corporate social investment, Hlongwane says Kulu Group Holdings has spent more than R5-million on initiatives linked to its projects across SA.

The company’s initiatives include renovating schools for the disabled and improving its sports grounds, clinics, as well as upgrading sports clubs, and local schools to ensure that learners are taught in a conducive environment as part of its efforts to plough funds back into the communities where it is active.